For those of you who are familiar with my work, there are
several things that I hope you have noticed. Whenever I have an opinion, I try
not only to make every effort to express it in thought-provoking ways, but also
to make reference to the opinions that run contrary to mind. This fair-minded
approach especially comes in handy when it comes to my political polemics, and
even if I feel passionately about something, I take great care to emphasize
that my opinion is mine, and not necessarily the “correct” one.
In addition to the methods in which I express my opinion, I
also try to take a step back and try not to make my writing overly personal.
Yes, I share my beliefs without any attempt to sugarcoat it, but I make every
effort not to overload my prose with terms like “I think” or “in my opinion.” I
feel like this does a better job of making people think with the words that I write
than it would be if I littered it with references to myself, and it’s something
I’ve strived to do ever since I started sharing my writing on the internet back
in 2008.
There are occasions, however, when I shy away from that and
make the difficult decision to cut myself open in public, and tonight is one of
those instances. Normally, I’d simply toil away in secret and not really give
you a glimpse into the inner workings of my mind, but in this instance, I felt
that the potential catharsis and the opportunity to be held accountable by my
friends and readers was too enticing to pass up.
If you follow me on Twitter or are friends with me on
Facebook, then you surely saw the posts I made earlier today about my current
struggles with the dreaded phenomena of “writer’s block.” For the past month or
so, I have tried again and again to come up with meaningful posts for my
plethora of writing assignments, and all I have managed to do is come up with a
couple of hits and a whole lot of misses. Potential posts on subjects involving
fan expectation of loyalty from their favorite hockey players and on the
hypocrisy surrounding Mitt Romney’s decision not to publicize his tax returns
have gone by the wayside as I have sat for hours in front of my computer
without the slightest compulsion to put my thoughts into coherent words.
To say that this has been maddening would be an
understatement. I feel like the golfer who suddenly experiences a case of the “yips”,
and is unable to make a fluid stroke with his putter, sending his score into
the stratosphere and his confidence into the storm cellar. Much like
professional golfers, I almost cringe at using the words “writer’s block”,
because it almost seems like an attempt on my part to tempt fate into taking a
swing at me with a fresh bout of it, but for the purposes of this post, I am
going to say it and hope for the best.
With that in mind, I made my plea today to my followers and
friends for any advice that they would like to give me in these circumstances. In
true social media fashion, the suggestions came in fast and furious, and they
ran the gamut in hilarious fashion. Drinking tended to be a favorite, with one
word answers like “Scotch”, “whiskey”, and “Malort” being bandied about in
gleeful fashion. Not content to allow the forces of debauchery have their day,
several people also suggested physical exercise and meditation as potential
cures for my woes. Finally, those who thought that drinking and exertion were
too taxing were pleased to offer one of the deadly sins as the solution, with
the word “sloth” coming to the tongues of several.
The irony that I was proposed every type of possible remedy
notwithstanding, all of these suggestions got me to thinking as to the genesis
of my current struggles with “da block”, as I’m sure no one on the streets has
ever thought to say. Much to my chagrin, careful examination of my psyche is
likely a symptom of a larger problem for me as of late, which has been an
inability to motivate myself to do much of anything. I seem just as happy
sitting in front of the TV watching a random soccer game than I am in sitting
at the computer and pounding out essays and editorials, and that is just about
the last thing that should be the case for someone seeking to make a dent in
the world of journalism and writing in general.
In the end, however, it turned out to be a random customer
at work tonight who brought the answer that I had been aggressively seeking on
the internet this afternoon. This gentleman, who I have had the true pleasure
(and there isn’t a drop of sarcasm in there, so to my friends, I implore you
not to associate my standard practice of derision with my complimentary words)
of interacting with in the past, seemed genuinely happy to see me in return,
and after a brief conversation, he unloaded the heavy guns on me.
“Have you ever considered getting into politics?” he asked
“Of course I have. I actually was a political science major
in college, and I’m going to study it in the winter,” I replied.
“Well, I think you would be very good at it, with how
gregarious you are and all,” he said, my ego soaking up the nourishment. “I
could see you working at an embassy, or at least something involving diplomacy.”
That last sentence is the one that really hit home for me
that this was a potential watershed moment in all of the struggles I have been
experiencing lately. This gentleman couldn’t have possibly known that I had
international relations as my focus during my political science studies at the
University of Illinois, but he pretty much affirmed that I had been on the
right track before I had foolishly let life problems sidetrack me from my
ultimate goal. He reminded me that I am capable of dreaming big dreams, and
just because I’m a little more advanced in age doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t
continue to pursue my goals.
That is where I am at right now in my war against writer’s
block. I have discovered that the key to opening the floodgates of writing is
twofold. One is to just keep at it no matter what life throws at me, but the
other is to try to approach my various writing assignments with a focus on the
bigger picture in mind at all times.
For my sports writing, in both hockey and baseball, I will
from now on treat it as an avenue for me not only to espouse my opinions on the
issues of the day, but also as a chance to hone my skills for what I am
striving to do for a future career.
As for my political content, I will treat it as a
high-quality back-up plan. I am very passionate about the subject, and am
looking forward immensely to regaining my drive to provide commentary on the
degradation of discourse among the voting populace, as well as to scream from
the mountaintops about the dangers of the extremism that our politicians have
been railing with over the past several years, especially on the right side of
the aisle.
I know that flowery rhetoric and a high-minded “I CAN DO
THIS” attitude will not be enough to keep the forces of darkness at day during
this battle, but I am sincerely hoping that with my newfound armaments of big
picture thinking that I can keep them at bay long enough to get back into the
swing of things. I guess the only thing left to do now is to stop focusing so
much on myself and to focus on the subjects that I have covered with so much passion
in recent days.
I look forward to sharing those new pieces with all of you,
and I want to sincerely thank you not only for reading them, but for also
attending to me during this hour of need in my life. I am truly blessed to have
people who I’ve known all my life and those who I have never met in person both
on my side during this time, and I will never take any of you for granted.
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